Lens Equivalence Calculator
50mmFormat | Full Frame Equivalent Crop |
Medium Format | – |
Full-Frame | – |
Super 35 | – |
APS-C | – |
Micro Four Thirds | – |
Need to find out what the crop will look like when you use a lens with a particular sensor other than Full Frame?
This is the page for you –
Our table gives information on the following sensors with chosen lenses, in relation to how they look when you compare the crop factor to Full Frame sensors:
Medium Format, Full Frame, APS-C, Super 35, and Micro Four Thirds (M43)
Example: an 85mm lens will always be an 85mm lens on whatever camera you put it – 85mm is the distance of the lens from the camera’s sensor –
What changes is the way the camera sees through the lens depending on the size of the sensor.
So for example an 85mm lens when placed on a camera with a smaller Micro Four Thirds sensor will have the crop factor of an 170mm lens on Full Frame sensor camera (It will look more zoomed in).
So to keep things simple to understand, whenever you want to find out the properties of the crop for a particular lens on whatever lens you choose (Whether its M43, Super 35 or APS-C), make sure you have the lens size that is on the lens in the Full Frame data.
This lens calculator has been created by Suchet Budon – If you wish to use it on your website, please place a link back to this website and mention Suchet in the credit